Size 5 - 22 cmSize 6 - 23 cmSize 7 - 23.5 cmSize 8 - 24 cmSize 9 - 24.5 cmSize 10 - 25 cm
Aztrid uses Asian sizes for its footwear.
For feet of different lengths, choose the size of the longer foot.
For half sizes especially with wide feet width, choose the closest full size.
Foot length isn't the same as shoe length.
Comfort depends on factors like size, design and heel height.
We highly recommend choosing appropriate size for each style according to your foot profile for a comfortable fit.
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I loved it! Good thing I didnt sized up for this one 😅
So prettyyy 🩷
Super ganda. What you see is what you get. Good thing I ordered my actual size. Will purchase again soon ♥️